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Bracelets & Necklaces

Any charm can be made into a bracelet or necklace. We use gold chain for gold or bronze charms, silver for silver charms unless you indicate differently.

We also enjoy designing our own bracelets and necklaces using handloomed beading, wire wrap and semi-precious stones. Here is the velvet cuff bracelet, which comes with or without beads, handloomed with black or white velvet ribbon and handloomed beads.

We do our own beading on our fancy-schmancy bead loom.

The Velvet Cuff bracelet comes with or without beading, in ivory or black velvet ribbon.


The bead design includes silver beads in the form of repeating Ws, the Sioux sign for water, inspired by and in honor of the Standing Rock Water Protectors.

Please note: This is NOT Indian jewelry or pretending to be - it is our design. Profits for this product are donated to Standing Rock Water Protectors.

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